Vahemere köök - hooajalisust silmas pidades

Kerge aasiapärase mõjutusega

Millega tegemist?

Mere Koho on helgema karakteriga, ent siiski sarnase olekuga sugulane Koho restoranile Telliskivis. Maalilises Neeme külas lainete loksumise taustal saab šikis meeleolus nautida vahemerehõngulist toitu ning lasta vaimul puhata.

Mere Kohos ootavad sind kaunid vaated, meeldejäävad maitseelamused ning võluv teenindus.

Loe meist lähemalt

Saa osa meie värskeimatest uudistest ja pakkumistest

Hubane atmosfäär, super soojad teenindajad, toit maitses ka hää!!!❤❤❤

— Maarja M

Great food and excellent service. We had lunch at the outside tables but we moved inside when it started raining. I loved the industrial aesthetics. My friends said that the desserts are also worth tasting ????

— Dimitra Efthimiou

Väga mugav ja hubane koht koos väga hea toiduvalikuga ja maitsva toiduga. Mulle meeldiks vaikne muusika taustaks ja hubasust aitaks tekitada ka küünlavalgus. Tore oleks, kui toidu ettekandmisel ka toitu tutvustataks ja antakse omapoolseid soovitusi joogivalikul.

— Petra Poolamets

Nimi ja menüü uus. Pizza oli hea kuigi üks serv oli veidi kuuma saanud palju. Õllevalik hea.

— Juri Raudsepp

Absolutely amazing food and service! Loved the decor as well.

— Teiri-Liis Pruli

Nice and spacious place, two floors and outdoor seating. Friendly staff, delicious cocktails and really good shots. Next time we will definitely try the food as well.

Tried the food and it was really tasty ????

— Alina

I was afraid a bit first that my anxiety would kick in and I’d be afraid to ask what something in the menu meant, but the waiter was super patient and explained the food in great detail.

Got the “organic mince chilli con carne” from the weekly specials and it arrived so quickly! Probably because of it not being crowded, but I really enjoyed the food and everything went smoothly.

Thanks to the staff for making my visit so wonderful! ❤️

— Martin Hinno

We quite often go for lunch there and they sometimes really surprise (in a good sense) with the quality of dishes they bring. My favourites are liver and soups. There might be minor hiccups with serving/dishes, but they have occured just a few times and we eat there once or twice every week since the opening. One of my favourite places in Telliskivi.

— Mikhail Khorpyakov

Väga maistev toit, ilus ja puhas koht. Teenindajad väga rõõmsameelsed, positiivsed ja armsad. Super kogemus. ????

— Birgit Rahnel

Брали пиццу и ризотто, было очень вкусно

— Yelizaveta Pustozerova