Sirje Kivistik

  • Sirje Kivistik

    Teenindus kiire, asjalik ja soe. Toidud maitsvad.

  • Remy Barbo

  • Kulla Väliste

    Hea toit ja meeldiv teenindus.

  • Peter Mmbando

    I like the green beef lunch taste good

  • Olga Tchirkunova

    Wow! We had tartar and ceviche for starters and they were super delicious. For main dishes tuna and sea bass and let me tell you, tuna steaks cooked perfectly and bass sooooo gooood! Booked table for tonight again just because haven’t stopped talking about a food all day and need more ????????????

  • Liis Reim

  • Peep Küngas

  • Kätlin-Maria Saar

  • Mark Schormann

  • Markus Karileet